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Brandon Butler




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Brandon Butler is an assistant professor of social studies education at Old Dominion University. He received his PhD in social studies education with a certificate in qualitative research studies from the University of Georgia in 2011. He also received his BS in History and MAT in Secondary Education from Georgia College and State University in 2002 and 2003, respectively.

Dr. Butler's research focuses on teacher education and social studies education. Specifically, his interests lie in better understanding field-based teacher education as a component of effective teacher education experiences, the design of effective teacher education programs, an examination of social studies textbooks, and an exploration of his own practice as a social studies teacher educator.

He has published articles in journals such as Teaching and Teacher Education and Action in Teacher Education, has forthcoming book chapters in Supervising student teachers: Issues, perspectives, and directions for field-based teacher education and The new politics of the textbook: A project of critical examination and resistance, and has presented at a number of conferences, including the American Educational Research Association, the College and University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies, and the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education.

Dr. Butler is currently an associate editor for the Georgia Social Studies Journal and is Chair of the NCSS Membership Committee.

Contact Information

Email: bmbutler@dos5.net

Phone: 757-683-6454

Fax: 757-567-8901

Office Hours and Location

COE 165-10

Office Hours: By Appointment


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